14 October 2009

Waiting on Perfect

I see it all the time. Heck, I live it. Too many of us are waiting on perfect. We wait for the perfect idea. The perfect opportunity. The perfect applicant. The perfect proof.

We spend so much time waiting on perfect, that we miss the good, the great, and the fascinating. One of the few things more boring than perfection must be the quest for it.

How about, starting today, you make a change? Instead of criticizing, scrutinizing, and dismissing the imperfect, why not decisively pursue the really good? Vigorously improve the good to be great. Continuously tweak the great. You'll never reach perfection this way, but you'll be a lot more successful than if you were to keep on waiting on perfect.


Tim McApine said...

100% agree.

David Gerbino said...

I could not agree with you more.

Mark said...

"Instead of criticizing, scrutinizing, and dismissing the imperfect, why not decisively pursue the really good?"

I hate to ask, but isn't that what this blog post is? Please don't dismiss my imperfect process of waiting for the perfect opportunity to pursue things. ;)

I kid...I kid....

Lately I have really enjoyed taking a few of my half baked ideas (www.cufilter.com and www.codingmentors.com) and making them happen. It's fun. It's energizing. It's educational.

So to go step beyond touching the good and the great, I'd say spend a small amount of time testing the waters on the silly, absurd, and ludicrous. You never know which one of those will end up being "good" :)

Ben said...

Matt Davis: Giving Godin a run for his money.

Christopher Morris said...

As the late Will Rogers said, "Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."